A woman may choose to have breast enlargement to improve her body
image and self-esteem. But like any surgical procedure, there is always
a risk of complications. And it is important to be aware of all the
risks associated with a procedure one is about to undergo. There are
two major complications associated with breast enlargement.
Scar tissue will form around the implant, but it can squeeze the
implant and this is called capsular contracture. There are four
different grades of contracture called Baker Grades. With Grade I
contracture, the breast is still soft and looks natural. With Grade II
contracture, the breast appears normal but it is firmer. The breast is
firm and has an abnormal appearance with Grade III contracture. If the
contracture is Grade IV, the breast is hard, painful, and has an
abnormal appearance.
Since breast implants are filled with saline or silicone, they will
rupture and deflate. There is no way of telling when this will occur, as
some will deflate or rupture in a few months while others last for 10
years. Potential reasons that breast implants deflate or rupture could
be aging of the implant, being compressed during a mammogram, or
overfilling of the implant just to name a few.
Many problems can result
when a breast implant ruptures or deflates. The breast might decrease
in size, hard knots may develop, the breasts could look uneven, there
could be pain or tenderness, swelling, numbing, burning, tingling, and
changes in sensation. If it is suspected that your implant has ruptured
or deflated, your plastic surgeon should recommend an MRI to confirm
With Grade III and IV capsular contracture and deflation or rupture of the implant, removal of the breast implant is required.