The sad part is, most women who resort to expensive and risky breast enlargement surgeries fail to realize that there are simpler, more natural methods of breast enhancement that cost nothing but a little time and dedication. If you want the shortcut to these methods, I’ve done my best to incorporate them into my ebook, which you can find here.
Below are a few simple tips on how to enlarge breasts naturally.
Breast Massage: The Age Old Secret
Breast massage is the ideal way to increase breast size naturally and if done properly and consistently the results are tremendous. Breast massage boosts circulation in the breast. The grow is activated by “Phytoestrogens” (female hormones responsible for breast growth) that travel through the bloodstream. Therefore the more blood you have flowing to the breasts, the easier it is for breast receptors to pick what they require to grow. In addition, breast massage also triggers the production of prolactin – a breast enlarging hormone. Prolactin is triggered by regular stimulation of nipples and breasts.
Practice Good Posture: Mom’s Secret
Almost every girl hated being told to sit up straight when they were young, I know I did. I used to think why does it even matter. However, this is a mannerism that really pays off specially for women when they’re old. A woman should keep her head high, avoid slouching the shoulders but keep them rolled back and down and keep the back straight. This is an inexpensive way to ensure that breasts look bigger since the chest protrudes.
The Right Diet: Your Boobs are What You Eat
The right diet to increase breast size naturally is consuming foods that contain healthy estrogen and proteins. Increasing your protein intake helps in boosting muscle mass. One good protein example is chicken breast since it is lean and low fat. Chicken is known to assist breast growth since it is usually packed with estrogen. Fenugreek is another food that contains estrogen. I’ve elaborated more on the perfect foods in my ebook.
A change of lifestyle, diet, fitness and mental constitution is not only good for your overall well being but also for your boobs. Since breasts are fatty tissues covered with skin, healthy eating and lifestyle would improve breast skin and quality. Drinking lots of water flashes out toxins from the body and boosts breast tissue condition. Additionally, foods like fennel seeds, alter the hormonal balance in a woman’s body. The change in hormonal balance leads to the release of more estrogen. This increase in estrogen levels triggers natural breast growth – it is all a cyclical process.
Exercise: Your Breasts Need to Workout Too!
Pectoral (chest) muscles are located underneath the breast tissues. There are a number of exercises that can be done to tone these muscles. As the pectoral muscles become firmer, they lift the breasts making them appear firmer and fuller. The arms and core are other important muscles. Conducting exercises that keep the core or muscles around the ribs and waist in shape, increases breast size appearance. When the arms and core muscles appear leaner, the breasts appear to be larger.
One very effective exercise is “palm pushing”. To perform palm pushing, bring the palms together in front of the breasts. Press the palms together with some force, count to five then relax. Repeat this exercise a few times a day (don’t overdo it!). This will strengthen the breast muscles and make them appear firmer by working your muscles.
Wearing the Right Bras: A Simple Yet Massive Change
Wearing a bra that fits properly not only supports the breasts but also prevents them from sagging. Breasts supported with right bras grow bigger than unsupported breasts. Therefore, if you want to enjoy having bigger breasts, wear a fitting bra always.
Breasts are truly feminine features that enhance the beauty of a woman. Therefore, it is very natural for women to want to have larger breasts. This has forced most women to result to expensive and risky use of chemicals and surgical procedures to increase their breast size. Some women achieve good results but others end up having damaged breasts or serious side effects. Due to the desperation by women to have bigger breasts, some con-men sell fake breast enlarging products that either fail to produce expected results or contain harmful chemicals that are not approved by the health practitioners.
To put an end to this and to help as many women as I can on my journey I’ve written a life changing ebook (yes, my readers really do say it’s life changing!) on how you can get bigger and perkier breasts right from your own home.